Humans of Batch-164: A Never Ending Journey

Engr Shayan Ahmad
4 min readFeb 28, 2021


As the focus of the last session was on us connecting and having fun together, so It was all about that. Honestly, the last session was so much fun, though it was online the energy was there everybody was interacting and having fun (deep down we all were sad because we knew we were in our last session), I didn’t see anybody being reluctant to talk, everybody was in his/her confident zone.

I think it is important to sometimes connect and do things for our emotional uplift because we need that, we are all humans, and we too need to recharge and regain energy to be better, to perform well because if we don’t do that we will get exhausted and ultimately we will burn out. So, just like the last session of our fellowship which was just focused on letting loose, enjoying, and ending the journey on a lighter note, we need such moments and time in our lives in which we just smile, connect with others, enjoy and be in the moment.

In the duration of three months, Amal taught me skills, passion and lots of other stuff which are useful for the professional life and career. Amal fellowship has taught me how to show gratitude to others.

During the fellowship, I learned many skills like how to improve my eye contact with others while talking. I had no knowledge about MS Excel, but as I completed the online course related to it, I came to know how I can save my time in calculations by using the Excel formulas.

Moreover, I also became able to improve my Resume and Cover Letter.

The entire journey was full of knowledge in such a way that no one got bored. Still, I feel that today, there will be another interesting session and I shall learn new skills. In the end, I would like to show gratitude to my facilitators who always motivated me, and theirs feedback on my project works inspired me to do better work the next time.

This fellowship has exposed me to living a life immersion and has given me the chance to work in the education sector of Pakistan in the form of “Mashal”. I always wanted to work for this cause but never had the courage to follow this journey but Amal has helped me lot in this.

I have learnt lot’s of new things from this journey. The few things I would like to mention here,

Know your value : Make sure you don’t start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you.

Teamwork : Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved .

Start with small : I did loved the Idea that we should start everything with a small steps .

Gratitude : We all have the ability and opportunity to cultivate gratitude. Simply take a few moments to focus on all that you have rather than complain about all the things you think you deserve.

Positivity : Yesterday is not our to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. (Lyndon B.Johnson )

I have all most all the fellows number in my mobile I will have a conversation with them in months (Insha’Allah) as well as when I found some issues regarding my life we will have a discussion about it. I’m the luckiest person of Amal academy fellowship where I met all the fellows from different cities of Pakistan. When I visit the cities we having a meet-up and know each other better in a good way.

Summarizing this journey is very difficult. I have transformed from being lazy, demotivated, and shy to a more positive, motivated, and energetic person who is ready to make a mark for himself in this world. I will be constantly learning in this rapidly changing world.

